Wednesday, November 21, 2007

BBQ - 23rd dec instead of 22nd!

dear all,

or dear kaiyan.. since you're the only one reading. hahahaa..

the date has been change, it has to change la..
due to the availability of the bbq pit.. or rather, unavailability.
boo! i tried my best. can't book earlier cos can only book 1 mth in adv
and so.. pits for 22nd are fully booked. so i asked for 23rd dec..
going down to make payment this friday.. hehs.
i hope the date is ok.. hurhur.. sorry for the change in date..

i checked safra, they only have "poolside terrace" far away
like in toa pah yoh (i don't even know how to spell) and yishun
then i called cdans, which is under hometeam.. all booked..
west coast park is damn risky cos what if it rains? inaccessible too.
so i had to go back to bt batok csc to check.. heh. 23rd. available!
so yea, the details are as follow... i'll sms everyone once i pay for it.

venue: bt batok civil service club
date: 23rd Dec '07 (Sunday)
time: 6pm

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- gift of ~$20 for the exchange
- partner, if any.

and pls do let me know if your partner is turning up! :P

ok that's all for now.. most likely it's confirmed la..
hope to see ALL OF YOU soon yea? -smiles-

Sunday, November 04, 2007

x'mas BBQ @ bb csc!

been a long while since this blog was last updated.
wonder if anyone actually still drops by.. haha..
anyhow, there's gonna be a gathering.. very soon!!
something to look forward to, for those having exams?
btw, all the best to those still schooling.. JIAYOU~

and.. yepyeps, it's our annual x'mas gathering :)
the details are all tentative.. to be confirmed..

venue: bt batok civil service club, treehouse
date: 22nd dec '07 (saturday)
time: 6pm

- gift of ~$20 for the gift exchange
- partner, if any

alrights, that's about all for now!!
will update again after booking the pit..
let me know if you're still reading this blog? haha :)